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:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (9-2020) ::
2020, 7(1): 81-107 Back to browse issues page
Calculating the Locational Marginal Price and Solving of Optimal Power Flow Problem based on Congestion Management using WPSO-GSF Algorithm
Masoud Dashtdar * , Mojtaba Najafi , Mostafa Esmaeilbeig
, dashtdar.masoud@gmail.com
Abstract:   (8142 Views)
Away to decrease the costs of generation and improve the performance of the grid generator, solving the problem of OPF based on line congestion management. As the power flow equation is nonlinear, this paper has performed the PSO algorithm to solve the OPF problem. By considering two technique this paper has performed the PSO algorithm for improving the performance. The first technique is to use a chaos generator to prevent PSO particles from sticking to local minimum points and the second is to consider the GSF in the WPSO algorithm structure so that the power passing through network lines can be simultaneously calculated and real power flow. Finally, the result of  WPSO-GSF algorithm which includes the bus voltage values, line losses, injection power to b buses, power passing through lines, total generation cost, setting electricity prices in two ways, UMP or LMP, depending on filling line capacity and calculating generators' profits has carried out .and also, to check the accuracy of the algorithm, the proposed method has been tested on IEEE 14-BUS, 30-BUS, 57-BUS standard networks, the results which indicate an increase in the speed and accuracy of the WPSO-GSF algorithm compared to other methods in improving the OPF problem.
Keywords: Locational marginal price, Optimal power flow, Congestion management, PSO algorithm, Generating scaling factor
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Electrical Power Systems (Operation, Control, Analysis, ...)
Received: 2020/04/24 | Accepted: 2020/08/28 | Published: 2021/04/19
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dashtdar M, Najafi M, Esmaeilbeig M. Calculating the Locational Marginal Price and Solving of Optimal Power Flow Problem based on Congestion Management using WPSO-GSF Algorithm. Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering 2020; 7 (1) :81-107
URL: http://journals.sut.ac.ir/jnsee/article-1-339-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 1 (9-2020) Back to browse issues page
سامانه های غیرخطی در مهندسی برق Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering
نشریه سامانه‌های غیرخطی در مهندسی برق در خصوص اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله، از توصیه‌های «کمیته بین‌المللی اخلاق نشر» موسوم به COPE و «منشور و موازین اخلاق پژوهش» مصوب معاونت پژوهش و فناوری وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری تبعیت می‌کند.
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