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Robust optmization of distribution networks with DGs using two different patterns random clustering (826258 Views)
Robust Control of A Class of Uncertain Switched Nonlinear Systems in the Presence of Disturbances: A Passivity Approach (419007 Views)
Improvements on the Problem of Optimal Fuzzy H_infinity Tracking Control Design for T-S Fuzzy Systems (60652 Views)
Survey of using a cascoded inverter as a booster amplifier in a regulated cascode circuit for the low power optical receiver applications for 10Gb/s bit rates using 90nm CMOS technology (54200 Views)
An Observer Based Robust Fault Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear System (25995 Views)
A New Method for Designing Robust Nonlinear Controller Combined With Disturbance Observer for missile autopilot (24108 Views)
Optimization of control strategy in hybrid electric vehicles considering emission standard of Euro3 (21564 Views)
Examining chaotic motions of a satellite and its 3-axis attitude control using back-stepping sliding mode method (20814 Views)
Nonlinear 6DOF Model Identification based on Nonlinear Continuous-time EKF Observer for Underwater Vehicle NPS AUV II (20354 Views)
Noisy Blind Source Signal Separation Based on Nonlinear Autocorrelation Using LMS Algorithms In DWT Domain (19212 Views)
Control and Synchronization of a Class of Chaotic Systems by Using a Lyapunov Based Model Reference Rough-RBF Neural Network Controller with Feedback Error Learning (18866 Views)
Design and Analysis of the Droop-Controlled Parallel Four-leg Inverters to Share Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads (18096 Views)
Improvement Tracking Performance of Robust output feedback Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Class of Continuous Linear systems with multiple uncertain time varying state delays (18052 Views)
Introducing an innovative hybrid control structure for a fully-actuated unmanned marine vehicle (17780 Views)
Analysis of the Nonlinear Effects in the Silicon Photonics (17407 Views)
Stability Analysis and Controller Design for Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Systems Based on Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Observer Under non-Parallel Distributed Compensation and Fuzzy Lyapunov Function Approach (17264 Views)
A New Multiobjective Optimization Method for Power Control in CDMA Cellular Systems (17214 Views)
simulation of 3D inertia SLAM algorithm based on actual flight data for UAV (16868 Views)
Improvement of steady and transient response of instantaneous power theory compensation method using recursive least squares and wavelet transform under non-ideal voltage condition (16539 Views)
Fractional order Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Controller Design for MPPT in a Solar Cell under Normal and Partial Shading Condition (16440 Views)
Islanding Detection of Wind Turbines Using RoCoF Measurements Based on a Symlets Wavelet transform (16358 Views)
Hybrid (Continuous and Discrete Time) Delta Sigma Modulator for Multi-Standard Communication applications (15297 Views)
A new intelligent hybrid method based on Kalman filter and GRNN for low-cost INS/GNSS integration (15169 Views)
Study of the Nonlinear Effects of Squeeze Film Damping RF MEMS Ring Resonators (14987 Views)
Reliability Analysis for Early Design Stage of Electronics and Control System of the Horizontal Drilling Equipment (14782 Views)
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Introducing an innovative hybrid control structure for a fully-actuated unmanned marine vehicle (12411 Downloads)
A novel bridgeless ac-dc buck-boost converter fed brushless dc motors drive (6854 Downloads)
Nonlinear 6DOF Model Identification based on Nonlinear Continuous-time EKF Observer for Underwater Vehicle NPS AUV II (6144 Downloads)
Reliability Analysis for Early Design Stage of Electronics and Control System of the Horizontal Drilling Equipment (6115 Downloads)
Adaptive wavelet domain compensation of OFDM IQ imbalance using combined data selective and selective coefficient updating (5326 Downloads)
Optimization of control strategy in hybrid electric vehicles considering emission standard of Euro3 (5120 Downloads)
Stability Analysis and Controller Design for Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Systems Based on Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Observer Under non-Parallel Distributed Compensation and Fuzzy Lyapunov Function Approach (4847 Downloads)
An Electrolytic Capacitor-less High Power Factor LED Driver with Pulsating Output Current (4841 Downloads)
simulation of 3D inertia SLAM algorithm based on actual flight data for UAV (4543 Downloads)
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimizer Based on a Novel Class of Fast and Efficient Learning Factors Strategies (4396 Downloads)
A new intelligent hybrid method based on Kalman filter and GRNN for low-cost INS/GNSS integration (4344 Downloads)
Forward kinematic analysis of planar parallel robots using a neural network-based approach optimized by machine learning (4311 Downloads)
Design and Analysis of the Droop-Controlled Parallel Four-leg Inverters to Share Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads (4246 Downloads)
Control and Synchronization of a Class of Chaotic Systems by Using a Lyapunov Based Model Reference Rough-RBF Neural Network Controller with Feedback Error Learning (4186 Downloads)
Path planing and control of airborne systems for optimal wind energy extraction (4113 Downloads)
Design of an Efficient Circuit for Data Rate Configuration in Power Amplifier Dedicated to Wireless Medical Applications (4059 Downloads)
Employing a Novel Approach for High Frequency Transient Modeling in Multi-Winding Traction Transformer (4003 Downloads)
Identification of a new non-linear model for MR damper and its application in control of vehicle semi-active suspension system (3927 Downloads)
Real-time Interactive High Resolution Soft Tissue Modeling in a Data-Driven Enrichment Approach (3900 Downloads)
Antenna Design and Non Linear Simulation of Rectifier for Wideband and Multi-Tone Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting (3817 Downloads)
A New Multiobjective Optimization Method for Power Control in CDMA Cellular Systems (3789 Downloads)
Performance Evaluation of the NOMA in Imperfect SIC Mode and Ergodic Capacity Maximization with User Pairing Scenario in Three Users Groups (3734 Downloads)
Stability Analysis and Guidance Law Design with Finite-Time Stability Property in Presence of Measurement Noise (3728 Downloads)
Analysis of the Nonlinear Effects in the Silicon Photonics (3660 Downloads)
Autopilot Design Using Smooth Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control (3618 Downloads)
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New Journal website launched ( 6873 view)
Publication Ethics ( 2896 view)
welcome ( 894 view)
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New Journal website launched ( 102 send)
welcome ( 85 send)
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New Journal website launched ( 1662 print)
Publication Ethics ( 750 print)
welcome ( 447 print)
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سامانه های غیرخطی در مهندسی برق Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering
نشریه سامانه‌های غیرخطی در مهندسی برق در خصوص اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله، از توصیه‌های «کمیته بین‌المللی اخلاق نشر» موسوم به COPE و «منشور و موازین اخلاق پژوهش» مصوب معاونت پژوهش و فناوری وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری تبعیت می‌کند.
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